Applejack from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Completed: 100%
Cost: N/A
Hours to Make: 2
First worn at: NYCC 2011
Inspiration: I love My Little Pony Friendship is magic. I grew up with the original My Little Pony and I love both gens, they each have their own amazing qualities. Applejack is one of my favorites because she's a hard worker, like myself.
Least Favorite Aspect: With the cyberlox pony mane from Head Kandi I couldn't wear my cowboy hat, ah well.
Easiest Task: Pretty much everything, I pulled the majority of it right out of my closet, lol!
Hardest Task: N/A
Cost: N/A
Hours to Make: 2
First worn at: NYCC 2011
Inspiration: I love My Little Pony Friendship is magic. I grew up with the original My Little Pony and I love both gens, they each have their own amazing qualities. Applejack is one of my favorites because she's a hard worker, like myself.
Least Favorite Aspect: With the cyberlox pony mane from Head Kandi I couldn't wear my cowboy hat, ah well.
Easiest Task: Pretty much everything, I pulled the majority of it right out of my closet, lol!
Hardest Task: N/A