Berserker Rikku from FFX-2
Completed: 100%
Cost: ~$200
Hours to Make: N/A
First worn at: PMX 2004
Inspiration: At one point I wanted to do every single dress sphere from this game, then realized how insane that might look. Berserker Rikku was one of my favorites though, so I tackled her and oh boy, was she tough for the newbie I was back then!
Easiest Task: The bra and panties.
Hardest Task: The paws and the armor. I ruined my first set of armor, as worbla wasn't a thing back then- at least not for the masses in the USA. And vacuum forming was but a dream. So I used the next best thing I could get my hands on, fiber glass. I had to cast my shoulders and then carve floral foam into the shape I wanted over the cast, then coat everything in fiber glass resin and then paint. Whelp, I melted the first set because I didn't putty protect the foam the first time around. Haha, mistakes are there to learn from though!
Cost: ~$200
Hours to Make: N/A
First worn at: PMX 2004
Inspiration: At one point I wanted to do every single dress sphere from this game, then realized how insane that might look. Berserker Rikku was one of my favorites though, so I tackled her and oh boy, was she tough for the newbie I was back then!
Easiest Task: The bra and panties.
Hardest Task: The paws and the armor. I ruined my first set of armor, as worbla wasn't a thing back then- at least not for the masses in the USA. And vacuum forming was but a dream. So I used the next best thing I could get my hands on, fiber glass. I had to cast my shoulders and then carve floral foam into the shape I wanted over the cast, then coat everything in fiber glass resin and then paint. Whelp, I melted the first set because I didn't putty protect the foam the first time around. Haha, mistakes are there to learn from though!