Death from Grimm Fairy Tales: No Tomorrow

Completed: 100%
Cost: $120
Hours to Make: ~10
First worn at: New York Comic Con 2013
Inspiration: There is a long story behind how this cosplay came to be, but to keep things positive and moving forward, looking back I have no regrets on this actual cosplay. Death's character is deep and the comic, Grimm Fairy Tales: No Tomorrow, is very well written. I'm happy to have her in my collection of cosplays, she puts my resting bitch face to good use.
Easiest Task: Her accessories, that I made out of craft foam, were actually pretty easy, just time consuming.
Hardest Task: I had some trouble with her robes, so asked the help of Twin Bees in drafting her hood/cowl. Now the biggest task I run into while wearing her is keeping the front closed. Clear elastic can only help so much with an illusion, but at least I don't end up flashing people. Also, since each cover is drawn by a totally different artist, I pieced things together from different looks, which some times made things more complicated.
Cost: $120
Hours to Make: ~10
First worn at: New York Comic Con 2013
Inspiration: There is a long story behind how this cosplay came to be, but to keep things positive and moving forward, looking back I have no regrets on this actual cosplay. Death's character is deep and the comic, Grimm Fairy Tales: No Tomorrow, is very well written. I'm happy to have her in my collection of cosplays, she puts my resting bitch face to good use.
Easiest Task: Her accessories, that I made out of craft foam, were actually pretty easy, just time consuming.
Hardest Task: I had some trouble with her robes, so asked the help of Twin Bees in drafting her hood/cowl. Now the biggest task I run into while wearing her is keeping the front closed. Clear elastic can only help so much with an illusion, but at least I don't end up flashing people. Also, since each cover is drawn by a totally different artist, I pieced things together from different looks, which some times made things more complicated.
Photo by Colin Gray
Photos by Kathy Chee