Kiani from Fathom
Completed: 100%
Cost: $130
Hours to Make: Too many to count....
First worn at: N/A
Inspiration: The idea of cosplaying Kiani was presented to me for Webble's cosplay trading cards. I decided to take it on as a challenge, even though the cards have not been printed yet. This was a really nice way to get a feel for making armor without having a full body suit to tackle. Plus Kiani is kind of amazing, when I read up on her I fell in love. She's such a bad ass, and wow, totally gorgeous!
Easiest Task: I had a lot of fun making her bikini, nice and easy next to the armor lol!
Hardest Task: The armor of course. If anyone ever tells you "sexy costumes are easy" they're lying to you. It's easy to hide straps and snaps and d-rings on bulky armor- more coverage! Not so easy when there's very little surface coverage to work with. That was a HUGE challenge for me. I've never made anything like this before so it took a lot of planning and trial and error. But I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
Cost: $130
Hours to Make: Too many to count....
First worn at: N/A
Inspiration: The idea of cosplaying Kiani was presented to me for Webble's cosplay trading cards. I decided to take it on as a challenge, even though the cards have not been printed yet. This was a really nice way to get a feel for making armor without having a full body suit to tackle. Plus Kiani is kind of amazing, when I read up on her I fell in love. She's such a bad ass, and wow, totally gorgeous!
Easiest Task: I had a lot of fun making her bikini, nice and easy next to the armor lol!
Hardest Task: The armor of course. If anyone ever tells you "sexy costumes are easy" they're lying to you. It's easy to hide straps and snaps and d-rings on bulky armor- more coverage! Not so easy when there's very little surface coverage to work with. That was a HUGE challenge for me. I've never made anything like this before so it took a lot of planning and trial and error. But I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
Photos by Nicole Ciaramella Photography