Lady Gaga

Completed: 100%
Cost: $70
Hours to Make: ~3
First worn at: Anime USA 2013
Inspiration: When I first made this cosplay it was for my friends booth at Monster Mania and I was wearing vampire prosthetics. Finally getting to shoot it minus all the scary make up!
Easiest Task: Everything really.
Hardest Task: Gloves. Always. Lol!
Cost: $70
Hours to Make: ~3
First worn at: Anime USA 2013
Inspiration: When I first made this cosplay it was for my friends booth at Monster Mania and I was wearing vampire prosthetics. Finally getting to shoot it minus all the scary make up!
Easiest Task: Everything really.
Hardest Task: Gloves. Always. Lol!
Photos by Nicole Ciaramella