Penelope Taynt from The Amanda Show

Completed: 100%
Cost: $60
Hours to Make: ~2
First worn at: NYCC 2016
Inspiration: Uncanny Megan and I are huge dorks. So this cosplay happened. I designed our signs that we carry when we wear these. Did some altering to thrift store/ebay finds and the party wig was from Costume Super Center. AKA: we just wanted to do fun, easy, ridiculous cosplays. These went over far better than we thought they would.
Easiest Task: It was all fairly simple.
Hardest Task: Making that face for every photo, lol
Cost: $60
Hours to Make: ~2
First worn at: NYCC 2016
Inspiration: Uncanny Megan and I are huge dorks. So this cosplay happened. I designed our signs that we carry when we wear these. Did some altering to thrift store/ebay finds and the party wig was from Costume Super Center. AKA: we just wanted to do fun, easy, ridiculous cosplays. These went over far better than we thought they would.
Easiest Task: It was all fairly simple.
Hardest Task: Making that face for every photo, lol
Photo by David Ngo