Yuffie Kisaragi from Advent Children

Completed: 100%
Cost: $80
Hours to Make: N/A
First worn at: Anime Next '06
Inspiration: Well it IS about time I put out one of my name sake's costumes huh? I'm not sure why I chose this variation of her to do first. Maybe the darker colors appealed to me more than the greens and khakis of her original outfit. But hey, that's coming up soon! ;D Also, I had way too much fun swinging on that vine for this shoot.
Easiest Task: Everything was pretty easy, obviously the head band takes the cake for easiest part of this cosplay.
Hardest Task: Eh, maybe the hoody gave me a little trouble, but at least there were no sleeves to deal with.
Cost: $80
Hours to Make: N/A
First worn at: Anime Next '06
Inspiration: Well it IS about time I put out one of my name sake's costumes huh? I'm not sure why I chose this variation of her to do first. Maybe the darker colors appealed to me more than the greens and khakis of her original outfit. But hey, that's coming up soon! ;D Also, I had way too much fun swinging on that vine for this shoot.
Easiest Task: Everything was pretty easy, obviously the head band takes the cake for easiest part of this cosplay.
Hardest Task: Eh, maybe the hoody gave me a little trouble, but at least there were no sleeves to deal with.
Photos by Skeleton Key Photography