Once upon a time, circa 2002-2003, YuffieBunny used to wear really, really, really, REALLY weird rave outfits. Back during that time money was tight, she was just finding out about cosplay (so obviously she couldn't really sew just yet), attending her first few conventions and discovering the amazing night life that was anime convention raves.
Pause for laughter.
Pause for laughter.
Yeah... you guys are seeing some old, old, OLD stuff here... Basically when I started attending con raves I had just found out about Party Monster and had been deeply obsessed with Japanese Street Fashion. So I was obsessed with trying to do a little more with my look; like the crazy party ravers I saw in the movie and the layered fun looks I saw in FRUITS and on LiveJournal communities for Japanese fashion. I had a formula for every outfit, that evolved over time. A fun tiny top/ layered bra and fishnet, boy underwear (started out white then I believe I got creative with other colors and patterns), crazy layered tights, leg warmers and fluffies with big shoes, and top it off with some kind of crazy hair piece or wig.
As time went on I obviously got better with sewing, and had started making friends with the DJs at these events... so eventually the invitation to start stage dancing at the cons allowed me to start putting more effort into the looks.
As time went on I obviously got better with sewing, and had started making friends with the DJs at these events... so eventually the invitation to start stage dancing at the cons allowed me to start putting more effort into the looks.
Eventually things got pretty serious. As more people started attending the raves, and the longer I stage danced at them, the more people asked me to start making my unique cyber falls for them. Long story short I started Head Kandi, and started creating themed outfits for myself to wear while I stage danced with my friends (who created an outfit in the same theme) and for while I vended at the con as well.
In recent years online sales have been good enough that I've allowed myself to sit out the raves these days. Instead taking the time at cons to just hang out with friends, while I continue to handle the business from home. But that doesn't mean I don't miss it. And even with all the growth and changes to my rave style over the years I still look back at the simplicity of my first few rave outfits and miss those too.
Introducing the Power Ravers!
Introducing the Power Ravers!
I took my love for the Power Rangers and the nostalgia I felt for my oldest rave outfits and came up with this brand new set of prints for you guys! With a little bit of tweaking to what the old looks were like I put together 6 looks that I //might// have worn to a rave these days, all around my Power Ranger panties. I had so much fun with these looks, and I hope you guys like them, and this weird little back story to how I came up with this set. I've always loved "rave fashion". There is so much versatility to it, so many kinds of styles and looks within the umbrella genre. People go from full body coverage to underwear. From simple comfy looks to crazy themed outfits. Really, it's an anything goes kind of fashion movement, and when you look at the history of it and where it is now it really IS anything goes.
I will have all of the separate prints, along side the full set of 6 prints for sale in my shop, as well as have them at conventions I'm a guest at.
So what time is it guys? IT'S RAVIN' TIME!
I will have all of the separate prints, along side the full set of 6 prints for sale in my shop, as well as have them at conventions I'm a guest at.
So what time is it guys? IT'S RAVIN' TIME!